Holiday Traditions at Sunday Rain

What the holidays feel like to us...

The holidays can mean so many different things to so many different people. We wanted to share what the holidays feel like to us here at Sunday Rain!

Jenna | Marketing 

"What the holidays feel like to me...a long car ride, Helen the Thanksgiving turkey, customized place cards, and snow forts (weather permitting).

Growing up, every Thanksgiving my family drove to Chicago to celebrate with my grandparents and my aunt, uncle, and cousins who lived there. The drive up was always fun because my sister and I got pulled out of school a day early so we could have more time with our family. We’d play the license plate game, iSpy, and listen to Christmas music (per my request).

Upon arrival, I immediately had to know what we named the turkey this year (my personal favorite was Helen in 2008). Once the naming was complete, my cousins and I would update place cards. These weren’t just any place cards. We’ve glue the head of each family member onto a construction paper turkey (festive, right!?). If you asked 8-year-old Jenna her favorite part of Thanksgiving, it had to be playing in the snow. We were lucky that it seemed every year it snowed a ton the day after Thanksgiving. While most of the adults went Black Friday shopping, we kids would build a snow fort using recycling bins. We’d play hide-and-go seek until, Hobie, my cousins’ dog, would want to play along and break through our snow fortress. We’d then all go inside and drink hot chocolate and watch movies and just be together.

I greatly appreciate the time I got to spend with my family every Thanksgiving in Chicago. As all of us have grown older, moved away, gotten married, or had a baby, being together as a family has become rare. When we do all get together, it’s as if we’re those little kids playing in the snow."

Tori | Product Development 

"Christmas in my family when I was little was the best time of year, full of holiday parties, spending the time with family & opening presents! I was the only grandchild on my mom’s side growing up and we spent almost every Christmas in Virginia at my grandfather’s house celebrating. We would spend most of the day opening presents together, the house would be decorated from top to bottom with a big tree, a train set and my favorite Dicken’s Village houses would be set up in a winter Christmas scene. The day after Christmas we celebrated Boxing Day and the extended family would gather for a big holiday party. I remember every year having a special dress and a big bow for my hair to wear for the day. It was always one of my favorite days because I would get to play with my cousins."

What do the holidays feel like to you?

We want to hear from YOU! We want to know what the holidays feel like to you. Let us know about any holiday traditions you have with your family, friends, and loved ones. Happy holidays!

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